Recyclable labels, values, examples, and what are accepted?

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01 PET

01 — PET/E

Bottles for drinks, milk, vegetable oil, some transparent shampoo bottles, disposable food containers, transparent lids from sour cream, etc.

It can be recycled

It is accepted in many places


plastic bottles 01 PETdisposable food containers 01 PET

02 PE-HD05 PP

05 — PP

02: bottle caps, cans, bottles for cosmetics and household chemicals.

05: bottle caps, buckets, yoghurt cups, lens packaging, rustling plastic packaging. Packaging made of 05 (PP) rustles, crunches and breaks, examples: packaging from cereals, pasta, sugar, sweets, «files» for documents, etc. It almost doesn’t stretch, it breaks right away.

It can be recycled

It is accepted in many places


bottle caps 02 PE-HD and 05 PPyoghurt cups 05 PP

04 PE-LD

04 — LDPE

Bags (for groceries, vegetables, dense from clothing stores, garbage bags), stretch film.

Soft LDPE stretches well, and when torn, an uneven elongated edge is obtained. It does not crackle or break.

It can be recycled

It is accepted only in some places


bags 04 PE-LDstretch film 04 PE-LD

06 PS

06 — PS

Styrofoam, egg containers, meat pads and packaging, yoghurt cups, CD packaging, and almost all disposable tableware. It is better to avoid such packaging, it is harmful.

It can be recycled

It is accepted only in some places


egg containers 06 PSstyrofoam 06 PSdisposable tableware 06 PS

03 PVC07 O

03 — PVC,
07 — O (other)

03: packages of tablets, cakes, cottage cheese, shrink wrap, bottles for cosmetics, and toys. It is better to avoid such packaging, it is harmful.

07: packaging for cheese, coffee, animal feed.

It is accepted only in some places


package of tablets 03 PVCpackage of cakes 03 PVCtoys 03 PVCpackage of animal feed 07 O


09-ABS plastic

Cases of monitors, televisions and power tools, coffee makers, cell phones, computer plastic,
3D-printed components that are not bioplastics, such as PLA.

It can be recycled

It is not accepted in small collecting points.
Accepting points are usually located closer to industrial centres.


monitor 09 ABScoffee maker 09 ABSphone 09 ABSprinter 09 ABS


Biodegradable plastic, plastic + aluminium/tin/other metals

Biodegradable plastic: laminate, bookmarks, business cards, flyers, flyers.

Plastic + aluminium: antistatic bags, fast food packaging, metallized bags.

Plastic + tin: the lid of the jars with a tin base, covered from the inside with plastic, providing sealing.

Plastic + other metals: packaging.

We have no information about the acceptance of these labels.
If you know anything, please tell us.

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70 GL 71 GL 72 GL 73 GL 74 GLS

The glass is colourless, green, brown

Bottles, cans.

It can be recycled

Integers are accepted at many points

Cullet and window glass are accepted only in some places



glass can 70 GLglass bottles 71 GL, 72 GL, 73 GL

75 GLS 76 GLS 78 GLS 79 GL 95 9697 C/GL98 C/GL

Crystal, glass + lead/silver/gilt/plastic/aluminium/tin/ various metals

Crystal: crystal tableware.

Glass + lead: elements in modern televisions and electronic devices.

Glass + silver/gilding: mirror, tableware.

The rest: packaging, lids.

It is not accepted for recycling


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40 FE magnet

40 — Steel

Cans of condensed milk, coffee, canned food, some brands of beer, aerosol cans.

It can be recycled, but only clean

Balloons are accepted only in some places


can of condensed milk 40 FEcan of coffee 40 FEcans of canned food 40 FEaerosol cans 40 FE

41 ALU alu

41 — Aluminium

Aluminium cans, cream tubes, foil.

It can be recycled, but only clean

Foil is accepted only in some places


aluminium cans 41 ALIcream tubes 41 ALUfoil 41 ALU

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20 PAP

20 — Corrugated cardboard

Boxes of household appliances, groceries, boxes, corrugated boxes.

It can be recycled

It is accepted in many places



corrugated cardboard 20 PAPbox 20 PAP

21 PAP

21 — Other cardboard

Book covers, postcards, cosmetic boxes, and paper cups without a layer of plastic.

It can be recycled

It is accepted in many places



22 PAP

22 — Paper

Printer paper, magazines and newspapers, envelopes, paper bags, bags, and wrapping material.

It can be recycled

It is accepted in many places



newspapers 22 PAPprinter paper 22 PAP

8081 PapPet84 C/PAP

Paper / cardboard + plastic + aluminum / various materials

Packaging from fast food burgers, confectionery, some types of milk, animal feed bags, ice cream containers, disposable cups made of paper with a layer of plastic, juice packs, «Pringles» chips, chewing gum, containers for liquids, etc.

It can be recycled, but only completely clean, without traces of organic matter and greasy stains

It is accepted only in some places


23 PAP828385

Waxed paper, paper / cardboard + aluminum / tinplate + plastic

Waxed paper is packaging for postal items or for the decoration of bouquets.

The rest are food substrates, foil—based lids, a cardboard tube coated with aluminium-containing film, containers for paint and varnish products, jars for cosmetics, antistatic bags, and packaging of fast food.

They are not accepted for processing


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Organic materials of natural origin

50 FOR51 FOR

Wood, cork

50: any tree without processing (without varnish, paint, etc.).

51: bottle stoppers, cork boards.

It is accepted at special points

Also, you can sell it or give it to creative people

wood chips 50 FORwooden pallet 50 FORwine stoppers 51 FOR

60 TEX61 TEX

Cotton and jute fibre

Cotton wool. Jute fibre — bags, ropes.

It is not accepted for processing

Jute can be composted


jute rope 61 TEX

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Lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride, silver-zinc batteries

It can be recycled

car battery Pb

Li-ion9/19 AlkalineCZ

Lithium, alkaline, manganese-zinc element

Mobile phone batteries, portable chargers, and some batteries.


It can be recycled


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About the project

RecycleLoc is a non-profit eco-social project.

Here you will find recycling collection points by category, on the map, as well as a list, and all related information for the preparation of raw materials for processing.

We are looking for volunteers to translate the site into Georgian and other languages!

Read more



Ilyas Mirzagaliev — author of the project

Elvira Demchenko — website designer

Jamila Mamedova — working on the English version of the site

Under support of Cubona «Good Deeds» program